Friday, February 29, 2008

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

number one hundred and twenty nine: the word "douchebag" in a public setting.

Actually today's post should be: "Taking a picture of the word douchebag and finding out the exam schedule has been posted."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

number one hundred and twenty two: total eclipse of the.... moon?

I sort of feel like I'm lying on this one. It's not the eclipse itself I love - but the excitement surrounding it. The eclipse? Am I the only one who, well, expected a bit more? We live in a culture that has HDTV... I really can't be blamed for being disappointed.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

number one hundred and seventeen: rock band.

summoning all of you!

Alright, as I alluded to earlier, I am heading to Winnipeg until Tuesday so I won't be able to post my pictures until then. However, if you send me pictures I will be able to upload them while I'm there.

Any takers?

Let's see some love!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

number one hundred and sixteen: the unexpected.


what you love, number 12: a night in the park.

This photo also comes from Julia!
It's a park in Bucharest, her hometown, as seen at night from the 9th floor.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

what you love, number 11: a ray of light.

This picture comes from Julia in Romania!
She took this one in Ranca, a very beautiful resort in the Parang Mountains.

number one hundred and fourteen: having to interrupt my hedonism with responsibility.

I hope this isn't creepy. Nothing illegal is going on here - my cat is diabetic and I have to inject her with insulin twice a day. Perhaps this seems normal to some of you, but this is a new level of obligation for me. Having said that, in typical hedonistic style, I'll be heading to Winnipeg for reading week (on Friday) so I'll pull the usual move of updating all the photos upon my return. However, it turns out you can't do that with insulin. Hm...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

number one hundred and twelve: advice delivered on bathroom walls.

This was in a stall at the Green Room. On the door there was the following (which I couldn't capture properly with my camera!):

"They’ll paint the walls, show us from here – our correspondence truncated, but we’ll take it elsewhere. Take it up and over, take it home, take it to the next sloppy --- of bathroom quality --- and pitcher after pitcher, eye sex followed by sweet caress, we will write away."

Friday, February 8, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Friday, February 1, 2008

number one hundred and three: beginning again.

Sometimes the subjects I post are allusions to things in my life that I don't explain. I don't want this to be a blog wherein I divulge everything. I think that if I am ambiguous, the posts could have meaning for anybody.